Tooth Gem

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do tooth gems last?

SHORT ANSWER: As a general rule, you can expect tooth gems to last 6 months to 1 year.

LONG ANSWER: Swarovski crystals and Gold charms usually have different rates of retention. Crystals will last anywhere from 4 months to a few years depending on factors such as gem cut/size, what tooth it is on (the size of the tooth and how flat it is,) and your personal tooth health and hygiene. For example, a larger gem will have better longevity if placed on a larger flatter tooth, and a small crystal will do well on a flatter section of a curved tooth. Gold Charms generally last a minimum of 8-12 months, and up to a few years. These are also affected by the factors listed above. but they have a larger and textured surface area for the cement to bond to, they sit flatter on the tooth, and they can usually be bent slightly to fit the curves of the tooth you choose to put it on.

How are they put on? How long does it take? Is it painful?

Tooth gems and charms are applied similarly to braces brackets, using a dental cement (adhesive, light cured paste.) There is no pain, no drilling, and no aftercare outside your normal dental hygiene.

The time it takes to apply your tooth gems will vary depending on the gems and how many of them, and on how many different teeth. Generally, be prepared for a 30 minute - an hour long appointment.

The process is not painful at all! You will be laying on your back with your mouth open for the necessary time*, you may collect some drool and your mouth may be weird combination of overly wet yet overly dry, and my hands will be in there… so while it is not painful at all, you may find it a bit uncomfortable!

*In the event you are getting many gems and have a longer appointment, you will be able to rest your mouth between gem applications.

Do tooth gems damage your teeth?

When applied and placed correctly, tooth gems will not damage your teeth at all. Appropriate use of the dental solvents is important, as well as careful placement. A careful placement means gems are not placed too close to the gum line or bottom edge of the tooth, do not connect two teeth/interfere with flossing, and are not hitting/running into other teeth with normal mouth movements.

Can I still eat/brush my teeth/whiten my teeth/etc. as usual?

It’s business as usual for your teeth with your tooth gems on! You can brush normally (even with electric toothbrush,) eat what you like to eat, and whiten your teeth with your tooth gems on.*

Just don’t go out of your way to pry up on the gem/charm. And as a general rule, if its bad for your teeth, it’s likely bad for your tooth gem.

You can get your teeth cleaned professionally at the dentist with your tooth gems on too! You don’t need to have them removed first (unless your dentist specifically requires it.)

*Note that certain practices can potentially affect the longevity of the gem, but this has not been proven and depends on factors on a case by case basis. For example, if you bite into a hard sandwich or chewy caramel candy everyday, if you use a WaterPik flosser on the gem, or if you whiten excessively it may affect how long the gem stays on. However, regardless if it affects the longevity, your tooth gem should not be an obstacle that keeps you from eating what you like to eat or performing normal tooth hygiene practices (within the realm of what is healthy.)

What if I want my tooth gems removed?

To have your tooth gems (or any residual cement) removed, see a dentist. While putting gems on your teeth does not cause any damage, removing them can pose a little more risk to the tooth enamel if not done by a dental professional. Dentists remove gems quickly, safely, and painlessly. They have the appropriate licensing, knowledge, and tools for the job.

They will often remove the tooth gems for free during a routine cleaning, or may charge a minimal fee for a specific tooth gem removal appointment. For example, my dentist will remove my tooth gems for free during my cleaning appointments. They will also provide tooth gem removal appointments to my clients for $20-$25 per tooth. See dentist information below…

South Charlotte Family and Cosmetic Dentistry: (704) 759-0908

Can I have tooth gems if I wear a retainer or a night guard?

It depends on the type of retainer/night guard. For form fitting dental wear, it is best to avoid tooth gems as the addition of a tooth gem can cause unwanted pressure on the teeth when the retainer is worn, or it could prevent the retainer from fitting altogether.

You can schedule a consultation appointment and bring your retainer with you to determine if you can safely get a tooth gem with the dental wear. Email or text 443-944-5181


  • I have seen clients visit their dental care professional and have them make cuts in plastic retainers to allow space for the tooth gems (as long as these cuts do not reduce the efficacy of the retainer.) Consult your dentist/dental provider before going this route.

  • I have seen clients get new retainers made with their dental professional AFTER having tooth gems put on. Please note this is a much more expensive route to go… if your tooth gem falls off, you will likely need to have another retainer made. Consult your dentist/dental provider before going this route.

  • I have applied gems directly to a plastic/form fitting retainer so that it looks like the gems are on your teeth while you are wearing it. With this method, I can’t guarantee the longevity of the gems as the cement and solvents used in the process are meant for a natural tooth. However, I have found retention to be decent, as the retainer is usually removed for wear-and-tear activities such as eating.

My teeth aren’t perfect! Can I get tooth gems?

Tooth gems are for everyone! You absolutely don’t need perfectly straight, symmetrical, or pearly white teeth. Personally, I love a unique tooth or set of teeth to adorn with tooth gems. I believe tooth gems are a beautiful way to highlight a unique mouth, or bring confidence to someone who may feel not-so-confident about their smile. Of course tooth gems look great on a mouth of straight, pearly whites- and they look just as great on the opposite and everything in between.

*The only caveat here is that teeth and gums should have a certain level of healthiness before getting a tooth gem. If gums are extremely sensitive or bleed easily upon being touched, or if there is significant plaque buildup on the teeth where the tooth gems are to be placed, you may be recommend to get a professional dental cleaning before receiving a tooth gem.

NOTE that how “white” or “straight” your teeth are (or are not) do not define how healthy they are! I’m happy to have a consultation appointent with anyone who is questioning their eligibility for a tooth gem!

How Can I Prepare for my Appointment?

It would be best to eat before your appointment if possible, so you don’t have to eat right away after application of the tooth gem.

I recommend performing your regular tooth hygiene routine before your appointment so the tooth is clean and ready to receive the gem.

Please avoid wearing lipstick or color lip gloss to your appointment! I could end up making a mess of it anyway, and it can make things more difficult as it can potentially get in the bonding cement causing unwanted marks around the tooth gem. Vaseline, Aquaphor, or another clear lip balm is fine.

Special Care/Aftercare/Maintenance?

Barely anything! It is BEST if you can avoid drinking acidic drinks or biting into anything directly on the tooth gem for 45 minutes after it is applied, but it is not vital.

For the duration of your tooth gem, just keep your teeth clean and healthy as usual, and your tooth gems will be fine! As mentioned above in another answer, if it’s bad for your teeth, it’s likely bad for your tooth gem. Don’t go out of your way to pry up on the gem, and be sure to maintain normal tooth health and hygiene.

I have another question not answered here…

You can contact me (Melissa) via email at or through text at (443) 944-5181

Please allow up to three days for a response!